New Release: January 6, 2016

Youth is Only Ever Fun in Retrospect by Sundara Karma
Release Date: January 6, 2017
Genre: Indie rock
12 Songs, 47 Minutes
Favorite Songs:
“Young Understanding”
“She Said”
“Watching from Great Heights”

While I don’t completely agree with the album title, Youth is Only Ever Fun in Retrospect, the debut album by UK indie band Sundara Karma definitely brings the nostalgia factor. While not exactly breaking any new ground, this album still guarantees to speak to the indie pop loving masses of the UK.”Young Understanding” sounds like a song I’ve heard before, but in this case that’s not a bad thing. It’s not a retread of another song, but one that just feels like your favorite song the first time you listen to it even though you’ve never heard it before. “Loveblood” is another fun indie bop. “Olympia” sounds like a song from the 1980s with its bombastic beat and beautiful synthesizers. The same can be said for the song “Flame.” “She Said” is probably the most catchy of the songs on the album and sounds like it should be a summer anthem. Overall, while this album isn’t really reinventing the wheel, it’s still a fun, catchy little indie album.

366 Albums in 2016: Wrap Up

It’s finally 2017 so I’m done with my challenge of listening to an album for each day of 2016. While it was challenging, and I will admit I missed a few days (and made up for them), I actually completed my goal. It was also difficult to try and write reviews for each album so if you’ve been following my blog from the beginning you noticed that I kind of gave up on writing reviews pretty early. I found many albums I enjoyed and also discovered a lot of new artists thanks to this challenge and that was what I wanted to accomplish. While my 2016 challenge is complete, I still want to keep up on listening to new music so my plan is to try to listen to at least one new album a week, possibly two. Ideally what I would be doing is listening to one new release every Friday and another album I have never heard on another day of the week. I am also going to attempt to try and get back to writing reviews for the albums. Hopefully I can keep up with this blog because I had a lot of fun doing it this past year. So here’s to 2017 and more good music!